Monday, September 30, 2019

Person-Centred Approaches to Counselling Unit Essay

The essay will evaluate the necessity and importance of the development of the core conditions in the counselling process and critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the person-centred approach on the counselling process. The Person-Centred Approach focuses on the clients own best authority as it is based on the client’s personal experience in his or her own life here and now. It shows the client as someone who has the ability of fulfilling his or her own potential for changes (Mearns & Thorne, 2007) I believe that Carl Rogers Person-Centred counselling is reliable. It developed the method of enhancing the relationship formed between a counsellor or therapist and client. Rogers proposes that the development of trust and understanding within this relationship encourages self-realization, and enables the client to acknowledge the problems and issues they are facing. This approach of encouragement and guidance, helps the client to feel comfortable about disclosing personal and private information to the counsellor, which in turn helps the client on their journey for there solutions (Mearns & Thorne 2007). Rogers identified certain core conditions which he believed to be necessary if clients are to make progress in counselling (Rogers, 1951). It defines the counsellor qualities and attitudes which if present, will easily change the growth within the client. The most important of these attitudes is the counsellor’s ability to understand the client’s feelings and showing respect for the client and being congruent or genuine. The Rogerian main core conditions are Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard and Congruence or genuineness, but he also listed six conditions in additions to these three. 1. Two persons are in Psychological contact.  2. The first, whom we shall term the client, is in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious. 3. The second person, whom we shall term the therapist is congruence or integrated in the relationship. 4. The therapist experiences unconditional positive regard for the client. 5. The therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client’s internal frame of reference and endeavors to communicate this experience to the client. 6. The communication to the client of the therapist’s empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard is to a minimal degree achieved (The Carl Rogers Reader, 1990). â€Å"No other conditions are necessary. If the six conditions exist and continue over a period of time, this is sufficient. The process of constructive personality change will follow†. (The Carl Rogers Reader 1990 page 221) Unconditional positive regard: According to the fourth condition, the client feels that the counsellor values him consistently throughout their relationship, despite the fact that he may not value himself and even if the counsellor does not like or approve of all the client’s behavior. (An example may be! A client tells the counsellor that he is thinking of leaving his wife and kids because he has just discovered he is gay). The counsellor may not like or agree with the client’s decision morally because of his/her own beliefs, whether religious or traditional. In such cases the counsellor has to show empathy, respect the client for who they are at that moment. It is in their power to take the matter to supervision later if they wish. Carl Rogers believed that unconditional positive regard is essential for a healthy relationship to develop between a client and the counselor (The Carl Rogers Reader, 1990). Therefore it is conclusive that people need love, acceptance, respect and warmth from others, but unfortunately these attitudes and feelings are often only given conditionally. As a person develops he/she needs love and acceptance from important people in their environment such as parents and peers. The individuals often deals with the condition accepting by others gradually to incorporate their conditions into their own views about themselves like the â€Å"I am†. Example like I am the sort of person who must never be late†, or â€Å"I am the sort of person who always respects others†, or â€Å"I am the sort of person who always keeps the house clean†. Due to a fundamental need for positive regard from others, it is easier to ‘be’ this sort of person so as to receive such positive feedback. Over time, the individual looses the sense of their own identity and their own evaluations of experience, and the individual may partly or even entirely change due to the pressures felt from other people or the environment around them. At the same time, we have a need for positive self-regard – to develop a sense of trust in the accuracy and reliability of our own inner experienced, it is on this we must depend if we are to become independent from and able to make good decisions about life and how we are to be in it. We learn to view ourselves as others view us, ignoring our inner experience whatever we feel it is in conflict with the values of those significant others on whom we depend. Roger’s term for this was locus of evaluation. By this, he meant the tendency of some people to rely on the evaluations of others for their feelings of acceptance and self esteem (Mearns & Thorne, 2007). Unconditional positive regard defined as being non-judgmental, accepting, and respectful toward the client (Mearns & Thorne, 2007). The background and moral differences of a client should not prevent the counsellor attaining the Rogerian conditions. The counsellor has to accept the positive and negativity of ones clients no matter their sexuality, culture or traditions and religious beliefs. The counsellor also has to show warmth towards his client. According to the fourth condition therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client’s internal frame of reference and endeavors to communicate this experience to the client. The warmth comes from the counsellor toward the client, helps to develops the trust between the counsellor and client relationship, but the counsellor has professional in showing warmth, because too little or too much will slow the development of trust in the process of the counselling sessions for some particular clients. The fifth condition can also be a part of empathy. â€Å"Empathy is a continuing process whereby the counsellor lays aside her own way of experiencing and perceiving reality, preferring to sense and respond to the experiencing and perceptions of her client. This sensing may be intense and enduring with the counsellor actually experiencing her client’s thoughts and feelings as powerfully as if they had originated in herself† (Mearns & Thorne 2007 p.67). Although there is only one physical world each individual experiences it differently. This is because we all have our own opinion and differences, and applying empathy will allow the counsellor to adapt to the client’s frame of mind. To illustrate, the counsellor should sense the client’s anger, fear, confusion or private world, as if these very things were the counsellor’s own feelings, It is of high importance that the client’s feelings or experiences do not emotionally distract the counsellor because it could pose a threat to the relationship between the counsellor and her client. Although the client may be desperate and lost in his/her world, the counsellor must remain as someone who is coherent and reliable, as well as sensitive. During the counsel sessions the therapist has to understand the feeling of the patient’s not doubt what the client means. The remarks must fit in with the therapist’s tone of voice which conveys with the client mood and content. Unless some communication of these empathic conditions has been achieved, then such attitudes do not exist in the relationship as far as the client is concerned. Therefore empathy is not just a technique of responding to the client, but it is a way of being in relation to one’s client. Empathy always makes the counsellor feels like being on the same train or bus as the client! It is the client journey (not the counsellor) which the counsellor is joining and staying with no matter how mountainous the journey is, without been carried away but still maintain the core conditions throughout t he counselling process. According to the third condition the therapist should be within the confines of this relationship, a genuine, real, or congruence person, unlike the psychodynamic therapist who generally maintains a ‘blank screen’ and reveals little of their own personality in therapy (Angles on Applied Psychology, 2003 page 47). Carl Rogers believes that it is the realness of the therapist in the relationship which is the most important element. It is when the therapist is natural and spontaneous that he seems to be most effective. (Rogers, 1973: 186). Congruence is the most important attribute in counselling, according to Rogers (Mearns & Thorne 2007). It means that within the relationship the counsellor is freely and deeply himself, with his own experiences representing his awareness of himself. The therapist has to support the client to encourage change and be positive. The therapist has to be open and professional during the counselling process. The aim is not for the therapist to express or talk out his own feelings but to be aware of his or her own boundaries so that he might not be bias to the client. It is important to be honest and at times may need to reflect on his/her feelings to the client, colleague or in supervision if it is standing in the way of the following conditions. Counsellors are sometimes faced with an exciting but frightening challenges, for some counsellor it is not difficult to be congruent whiles for others. They might find it very difficult or frightening but it could also confront us with the frightening possibility that we may not have the courage to meet that challenge, as Rogers wrote: different therapist achieve good results in quite different way ( Rogers, 1973) (example: the man who told the counsellor that he is thinking of leaving his wife because he is gay), it could be a frightening experience for the counsellor because of the counsellor’s background, but at the same time the counsellor have to be congruence and let the client know how they are feeling at the moment but the counsellor have to show the client unconditional positive regard and accept the client for who they really are. The therapist has to be transparent, by making himself or herself transparent to the client, the client can see right through what the therapist is in the relationship and that is how the client can develop trust for the counsellor. The famous Johari Window teaches us about the known to others but not to me and knows to me but not to others. There are aspects of our personality that we’re open about, and other elements that we keep to ourselves. There are things that others see in us that we’re not aware of, like the hidden area. This contains things others observe about us that we don’t know about ourselves. Again, they could be positive or negative behaviors that will affect the way others act towards us like our client. Congruence is about not having secrets, it’s about being true to oneself, and it’s also about establishing equal rights for all relationships so that the counsellor and the client can have an open but honest relationship throughout the process. Rogers’ most individual theoretical concept is that of actualization in which he is optimistic about Human Nature. Drawn from other theorists of his time, including Maslow (1962,1970), Rogers identifies that human motivation functions to assist us to reach our individual potential (Rogers 1977). In so doing we strive to achieve internal harmony between what we feel and what we experiences. By a process of our own internal experience we as individual develop by changes and adapting through the means of self regulation. This includes congruent awareness and expression of feelings evoked by experiences: we recognize, then express, what we feel about an experience. The actualization process is a motivational system from which our individual evolution and development occurs. Competing against this, however, is the conscious self. (Rogers 1959; Maslow 1962). It might help to understand Rogers better if we contrast his theories with those of freud because the two are so different. This contrast will show how Rogers can be thought of as optimistic about human nature, while freud took a far more pessimistic view. Freud thought that people were born with both life instincts and death instinct. In Freud’s system, two basic drives are associated with, or are part of the life and death instincts, the sexual drive and the aggressive drive. Freud thought that the aggressive drive was not usually directed towards the person himself or herself, but as it has energy and cannot be suppressed entirely, it is normally displaced onto objects or people in the environment. Freud was quite clear that, in his view, a tendency towards aggressive or destructive behavior is a natural condition of humankind. To Rogers, there is only one motivational force behind human behavior actualizing tendency. In contrast to Freud, Rogers thought that this basic motivation is constructive, creative and positive (Tonny Merry, 2003 p 17). But Both Freud and Rogers thought that childhood events are significant in shaping our adult personalities, but whereas Freud was not optimistic about the possibilities for change and development later on in life, Rogers certainly was. For example early childhood experiences are considered very important. The single most important factor is the degree to which we experienced love and acceptance from significant others, usually our parents. Rogers thought that children need to feel unconditionally loved and valued by people who are significant and important to them. The trouble is that love can be either conditional or unconditional. If love is offered unconditionally with no strings attached, then children are able to be naturally expressive and accepting of all their feelings. Conditional love refers to love that is given only if the child behaves in approved ways, and if the child behaves in the ways that are unacceptable, then he or she risks love being withdrawn. The result is that the child begins to think of himself or herself in terms of the evaluations of others, Rogers’ phrase for this was conditions of worth, and it refers to the ways in which our self concepts are fashioned by the judgments of those around us (Tony Merry, 2003 p 23).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Narrative and Descriptive Essay

The purpose between a narrative and descriptive essay differ from each other because of how you want to convey the story and how to accomplish the purpose. In How to Say Nothing in 500 Words, by Paul McHenry Roberts, the intended audience is for students and writers, and in Once More to the Lake, by E. B. White, it is for readers who had experience with sharing a moment with their loved ones, which both stories accomplish a specific audience. Other similarities between narrative and descriptive are the â€Å"description and narration are often used together because description helps make the story we are narrating clearer and more vivid† (Connell & Sole, 2013, p. 6.4), in which to accomplish their story, they both have a particular language it uses in order to do it. Roberts’s purpose is for the writer to exceed in their writing, though White’s purpose is to display past experiences may not be the same for others. What is similar to their story is that the reader can learn from the writers past errors. Roberts’s impact gives the reader a desire to want to write more effectively, although White’s story impacts the reader to enjoy an experience because it can lead to a disaster; both stories impact the reader to do something. The style of essay that is superior is narrative because a writer can â€Å"incorporate certain important elements in the narrative† (Connell & Sole, 2013, p. 6.3).When a writer uses descriptive, they tend to go too far using descriptive words to describe something that it becomes boring and it tends to make me skip that paragraph, and sometimes the entire page if it goes into too much detail. Reference Connell, C. M., & Sole, K. (2013). Essentials of College Writing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Roberts, P. M. (n.d.). How to Say Nothing in 500 Words. Retrieved from White, E.B. Once More to the Lake. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Daoism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Daoism - Essay Example This may be because, since all other religious beliefs are exotic, Taoism is the only religion that the China inhabitants believe to be indigenous. Therefore, this document critically analyzes Daoism, its theoretical, practical, and social approach one of the world religions. Daoism (also called Taoism) is a religious belief whose origin comes from the Chinese traditions. Joachim Wach explained that there are three ways in which a belief qualifies to be named a religion (Kirkland 165). A religion must have its theoretical aspect. This means that it ought to have various verbal beliefs, to which the followers strongly adhere. Daoism accentuates veneration of the ancestral spirits and immortality of some beings in their religion. Taoism believes on the freedom of humanity from conformist limitations. Moreover, Taoism obtains its teaching from Lao-tze, an ancient philosopher who the followers deem to have established the first Taoism temple. However, the Taoism followers commonly consid er the history about Lao-tze as legendary; and they still keep up with his teachings from the earlier writings. Scholars believe Taoism to be mythological. In this sense, some critics claim their belief about immortality to be mythical. In addition, it highlights the story of a certain prince, who practiced Taoism in a deserted mountain until he became a supernatural and consequently an immortal being (Kirkland 166). The Taoists believe that a certain man, believed to be the true man, will come to the world in the end, and end chaos, bringing peace to the world. Additionally, the Taoists believe that Tao (the way) is the main guiding rule of their values and mannerisms (Ede 21). Moreover, Taoists believe in a hierarchy of gods and eternals. There is also the practical aspect of Daoism. Taoist believers practice various rituals. Taoists believe in achieving immortality through practicing the Tao values, both within and outside the bodily being. The Taos internal practices entail phys ical Tao exercises, which include breathing, intense meditation, and refinement of the inner elixir. Besides, the central objective of these activities is to improve oneself, spiritually and bodily. Tao also teaches external practices that involve being responsible in exemplary actions such as helping one another. Tao believers must strive to achieve these values by earnestly practicing both the internal and external activities, since they believe that the reward is to acquire the immortal nature. Additionally, the Tao followers practice martial arts, most commonly known as Kung fu (Ede 22). Besides, the Tao followers also have their own scriptures that they read and follow. This manuscript comes in diverse components. They refer these components as the Canon or the Daozang. They are arranged in the order of age, the earliest being the Tang Dynasty. The succeeding ones include versions compiled during the dynasties of Song, Jin, Yuan, and Ming. There are two distinct Tao sects. The two sects are the Zhengyi and the Quanzhen, with the Zhengyi being the most popular within the Chinese communities. However, these sects are similar in their fundamental Tao beliefs. They only have slight disparities in their norms and regulations. The Quanzhens are stricter in their regulations as opposed to their Zhengyi counterparts, since they practice a strict vegetarian diet and are celibate, spending their entire lives in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Revised Literacies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Revised Literacies - Essay Example But every media has its own merits and demrits. As a result, my audience will have a better understanding on remix. After I attended the WRA 1004 course, my perspective experiences about writing and reading have been modified significantly. Before attending the class, I had no specific strategies like RAIDS and SWAP for my essay. I had no idea what my essay will look like. I do not have a clear arrangement or style in mind. I just wrote as it went. I did notice the drawbacks of remix media. And for reading, I just read the article, and may briefly talk about the main points. After taking the class, I now understand to think before write, using RAIDS can easily help me to state my purpose clearly, and by using SWAP can help focus on my subject and my audience. Indeed, I think some modern technology-based medias -such as PowerPoint presentation, any other presentation software, computer compose, etc- other than paper are quite effective in conveying ideas to the target audiences. Indeed the use of computer for writing is endowed with umbrella-conveniences. If literacy means a man’s ability to read and write, a computer can be used to a media of literacy which is far more convenient that write on a paper. Now I believe the term â€Å"literacy† does not only mean one’s ability to read and write, but also it means one’s ability to use any technological devices also. Daley defines literacy as following: Traditionally literacy has been commonly defined as the ability to read and write at an adequate level of proficiency that is necessary for communication. More recently however, literacy has taken on several meanings. Technological literacy, mathematical literacy, and visual literacy are just a few examples. (45) It is because a computer not only allows a person to write but also allows him or her to access a wide range of reading materials. A computer-literate person can access to the vast reading

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Structure Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Structure - Term Paper Example The firm’s cost leadership strategy has played an important role in its worldwide success as a mass retailer. Corporate Functions Wal-Mart adopts the separation of roles between the CEO and the Chairman of the Board. Under the board of directors come corporate functions specifically for finance; governance; human resources; legal affairs; replenishment, pricing, and planning; and global logistics. These are highly centralized functions that provide support to all business units and operations. Business Units Wal-Mart has three global business units: â€Å"Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart US; and Wal-Mart International† (Wal-Mart, 2009, n.pag.). Under these business units are corresponding functional divisions such as the marketing, administration, merchandising, logistics, etc. Sam’s Club is a supplier for small retailers requiring a form of membership to avail of Wal-Mart’s promotions and other services. In the United States, Wal-Mart operates â€Å"discount stores, supercenters, and neighborhood markets† (Wal-Mart, 2009, n.pag.).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Evaluating Team Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluating Team Performance - Assignment Example In this evaluation both technical and interpersonal abilities of the team members were taken into consideration. One factor that is always of high importance when evaluating a cross-functional team is the expertise contribution of the members. The team was comprised of members of the marketing, accounting, sales, human resource management, public relations, technical, and engineering departments. All the members were expected to represent the concerns of their various departments with regard to the organization’s culture and potential changes (Stewart, 2006). All the members were able to bring in their expertise with all members basing their reasons on researches that were carried out with regard to the matter. The marketing department asserted that the culture should not change the public’s perception of the organization. As for the engineering department representatives, the most important thing was to make sure that the culture encourages a technical productivity of the organization. It is no doubt that at the end of the day all the departments’ perspectives were proper ly reviewed and an eventual conclusion reached (Dyer,Dyer & Dyer, 2013). When asked about the team’s goal, all the members were able to identify what the goals. This is helpful because it enables a team to work as a single unit with a single focus and goal. However, it is also notable that the team would not have been able to work together for a common purpose if they do not share the same opinion with regard to the group’s goal (West & Markiewicz, 2004). Therefore, the leader saw that it was appropriate to let all the members give their opinion about the goals of the team (Franz, 2012). Different members gave different opinions on how the goal will be reached. Some of the members suggested that the start-up style labs should be left to operate for a while so that they could observe the changes in organizational culture and whether there will be a necessity for any change in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I have dream speech by Martin Luther King Research Paper

I have dream speech by Martin Luther King - Research Paper Example The history of modern America presents Dr. Martin Luther King as heroic leader, and one of the leaders of the Big Six civil right movement governing who were the architects in the organization of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which took place on August 28, 1963 (Vail, 2006). The march made specific demands: an end to racial segregation in public institutions, civil right reforms, including protection of workers from police brutality; self-government for Washington D.C. then rule by congressional committee. This march was the most gathering of protesters in Washington history at the time and still has an enormous amount of political and social influence up to present day. The purpose for my research is to examine the decisions that were made before the march took place in Washington D.C. The â€Å"I have a dream’’ speech has become a replica for many public speakers who seek large audiences to encourage social change by delivering a pretentious speech in large audience settings. King‘s speech electrified the 250,000 people that went to see the speech, which is regarded along many American President public speeches. Furthermore, many metaphorical scholars have recommended the speech as one of the deluxe speeches in the American history . Terminologies from previous class lectures will be discussed from Dr. King â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. Social aspects including workers’ rights, polices’ viciousness and institutions’ isolation will be analyzed.... King‘s speech electrified the 250,000 people that went to see the speech, which is regarded along many American President public speeches. Furthermore, many metaphorical scholars have recommended the speech as one of the deluxe speeches in the American history (Collins, 1999). Terminologies from previous class lectures will be discussed from Dr. King â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. Social aspects including workers’ rights, polices’ viciousness and institutions’ isolation will be analyzed. I will be also examining the goal the speech was intended to achieve at the time and how affective or ineffective it was or had since the speech was delivered. The main purpose I chose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was because I strongly supported his fight to end racism, classism, poverty, police brutality, government corruption, and unequal resources and services distribution. Personally as a black man myself, born in the African continent, I relate enormously with mos t of the issues Dr. Martin Luther King fought and defended. Dr. King’s â€Å"I have a Dream† speech opens door to many controversial issues concerning people of color and others’ minorities were facing at the time and still facing today. Even though, many of these issues have improved over the years, a lot remain to be accomplished, in order to fulfill King Dream. It is imperative to note that, the speech was delivered during a highly tensed time, when Africans and black American were not allowed to express their views. During this time the Negroes were regarded as the second level or class human beings who were attributed to injustices like forced human labor, taxes racial segregation and impartial

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research paper on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

On Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - Research Paper Example In fact, a girl who was wed when her father died would not inherit his fortune; instead, the husband was in line for the inheritance. This is what would have happened in the Bennet house hold, and this is one of the reasons that Mrs. Bennet wanted to make sure that her girls were wed. Keeping these thoughts in mind, Jane Austen, in her novel, Pride and Prejudice, reinforces the conservative values of the society in which her characters live. The period that the novel takes place was called the Regency Period. This period was called this because King George IV was in rule between 1810 and 1820 and the story takes place midway between these two years in 1813 (Austen, â€Å"Study† 10). During this period, the industrial revolution created wealthy men from the middle class who were business owners and professionals. They were able to purchase large homes, landscape the grounds, wear elaborate clothes and be driven around in fine carriages (Austen, â€Å"Study† 10). Although many had become wealthy, others were struggling and many were hungry. When people have these challenges, they often turn to social unrest, which happened at this time, and there were bread riots and worker protests (Austen, â€Å"Study† 11). Social customs were very important to this era and men and women had specific places within society. Austen shows this throughout her novel. This historical back ground was never included in Austen’s novels. Instead, she wanted readers to understand what she saw during this time because she was constantly observing the middle class that she lived within. Her novels depicted the â€Å"manners and morals of the middle class† (Austen â€Å"Study† 11). This historical back ground is important to understand how Austen’s novel reinforced the conservative values of the time. â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Healthcare Issues in America Essay Example for Free

Healthcare Issues in America Essay Some of the healthcare issues that share the limelight with politicians nowadays are the skyrocketing cost of drugs, health insurance system, the ever growing cost of hospitalization fees and the low coverage of insurance for malpractices for doctors. Debates and plans have been made so as to improve the quality of service to the people. But really, are these the real issues that an average American or a politician should give much emphasis on? There is a growing epidemic that is invading the country in silence†¦ And because it doesn’t make much noise as that of an aggrieved patient filing for a case against a physician, who by mistake, has distorted her nose in some way, that doesn’t mean this epidemic is not worth our time. For some reason these issues aren’t given much attention when in fact it threatens the very life of countless citizens therefore endangering the future of the country. Obesity, Alcohol Abuse, Mental Health, unhealthy foods†¦ These are real issues that could very well be the cause of more deaths and unhappy citizens of this country†¦Though these issues have been around for decades much of the efforts to address these problems are often not enough or simply useless. To further impress the gravity of the situation, it is therefore right to discuss these issues one by one. In the next few decades Scientists conclude that life expectancy for an average American could decline by as much as 5 years unless the government do something to decrease the rates of obesity (Dollemore 2005). With the rise of capitalism which gave way to consumerism, more and more goods make it to the hands of an average American. Life has also been fast phased which led to the success of over the counter dinners and lunches, ready to cook meals, watching television , playing video games, using computers and etc. The youth has been living a very sedentary lifestyle which lessens their interest in physical activities. Much worst is that there has been a sudden influx of quality computer games that has taken much of their time. They are also bombarded with fast foods, high fat, high sugar meals which are made available at every corner store. These factors lead to obesity that has taken the world aback with a staggering 20% increase in obesity rates among the youth. Diabetes is one of the complications that can sprout from Obesity. Cardiovascular diseases are also common to those who have diabetes. Emotional stress is also experienced by those who are obese are society tend to discriminate these people giving them less chances to enjoy life. The irony of it is that the government provides services to treat obesity rather than preventing it. It is a growing epidemic and unless we get to its roots, it will continue to rot away the future if countless American youth. According to surveys approximately 11 million current drinkers are in the ages of 12-20. Half of these drink excess to the point of losing total control to the outside environment. These drinkers are the American Youth who at a tender age finds solace in beer bottles. Alcohol abuse can lead to different kind of injuries such as alcohol related accidents, date rape, fire and etc. Automobile crashes, suicides, homicides, and unsafe sex leading to teenage pregnancies are one of the gruesome after effects of teenage drinking that are often overlooked by their fragile minds. Underage drinking is a widespread problem which can be attributed to the free access to liquor by minors. Substance abuse is very much widespread especially in impoverished areas in the country and this eventually lead to mental incapacity.   One need not look deeper to know that these issues are interconnected in someway. Teenage drinking and Obesity are discussed in detail to show that all the rest of the issues find its roots on the two events. The rest are just offshoots from these problems. Given the above issues, I guess it would be more appropriate for the government to give more attention to the cause of the problem rather than spending billions for rehabilitation facilities, diet programs and etc. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It is indeed pretty much logical to answer the question on why the youth is engaging in substance abuse rather than put them in rehabilitation centers.   The thing is, the government is spending large amount of money to improve healthcare services to the populace not taking into consideration that these ailments that they are treating could not have found its way to the average American citizen in the first place. Now if by the end of the century this epidemic is not yet cured, then worst comes to worst, this country should expect more sickly citizens needing healthcare services to address their plight for good health. This is where my thoughts go in full circle†¦ if the government spend as much time, money and effort in addressing the problem of healthcare improvements and that of actually improving the health of its citizens, then I guess there is better hope for the future Americans. Come to think of it, if the epidemic is not stopped, more and more citizens will need healthcare services from the government. As a consequence, no matter how we try to improve the healthcare services and insurance system it will never be enough. Laws of supply and demand holds true even in this situation. More sick people, more hospitals, more doctors, more healthcare services, more chances for politicians to exploit the scenario by adding â€Å"improved healthcare† in their platforms. This is a vicious cycle, and unless we recognize the need to focus on individual health rather than health care services, we will never be able to actually address the problem of healthcare in this country. References Dollemore, D. (2005). Obesity Threatens to Cut U.S Life Expectancy. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Holden Caulfield Character Examination Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield Character Examination Essay Character Examination Holden Caulfield is a figment of author J.D Salingers imagination, Holden is the exception to all rules, and the rule to all exceptions. He is in an unclassifiable category, and his physical traits give no clue on how to enravel this enigmatic young man. Holden is caring but cold, timid yet bold, passive but aggressive; these are three of perhaps hundreds of antonyms describing his psyche. Holden is the protagonist in J.D Salingers only acclaimed novel The Catcher in the Rye. The story centers around the adolescence of this rebel with and without a causes life. It is narrated from the point of view of a cynic, with most secondary characters being valueless, trite yuppies with little integrity or worth. Holdens internal voyage is triggered by his expulsion from Pencey, a boarding school in upstate New York. Holden Caulfield is a tall, solidly built teenager. Holden has short dirty blond hair which he wears in a crew cut. He has a pale complexion and has a tendency of getting red in the face. Salinger does not concentrate on the physical traits of his protagonist but rather he thoroughly describes all facets of his psyche. What struck me as odd about Salingers style is that with many secondary and supporting characters in the novel, he paints a very detailed physical analysis from head to toe. Perhaps Salinger made this decision in order to show the reader the complexity of Holden as a human, and that while supporting characters can be brought into the story by external traits, Holdens complex character transcends mere physical description. Holden Caulfield is a cynic by nature and is a self proclaimed judge of others. Holden has no respect for other peoples positive traits, and he adamantly believes that people put on a faà §ade, play a part and have no self worth or moral barometer. It can be said that Holden is a bipolar character, for example; Holden is naà ¯ve yet cynical simultaneously. One might say that it is impossible to be naà ¯ve and cynical at the same time but with Holden it is evident on a regular basis. Holden is definitely cynical, Holden makes impetuous accusations and rash generalizations of people and often he is mistaken in  his judgment because he shows no form of acceptance to the positive value of the human spirit. Holden is also naà ¯ve, not in the pure sense of the word but Holden is naà ¯ve of himself and his thoughts. Holden has strong deep-rooted beliefs of the world being against him and the world being out to get him, but he is mistaken. Holden Caulfield radical belief of his own beliefs makes him naà ¯ve and gullible. The sad part of Holdens terrible attitude towards life, is that to some extent he himself is a fraud, by becoming an arrogant disbeliever of human worth, he is, in his mind justifying his own mistakes and moral flaws. Holden has feelings of insecurity and a fear of loneliness and alienation, his fear plays a large role in his actions during his time in Manhattan. From the moment of his departure from Pencey, Holden was trying to call his old girlfriends; at first he called his old friend Jane Gallagher. After striking out, he was lonely and his way of dealing with his rejection was hopping from bar to bar and from nightclub to nightclub. After Holden recovered from his misadventure with Jane, he called another acquaintance named Sally. Sally and Holden ended up meeting up for a matinee, but Holden, spotted a lunt (phony) and it made him wreck the date. Holden is fickle and impatient, this is exemplified by his hopping from hangout to hangout at night in New York. Holden would make potentially dangerous decisions on impulse. He was not methodical or prudent at all, his impulsiveness could be labeled as recklessness. An example of the dangers of his impetuousness is when after a tough night, he hired a prostitute from the elevator man, Maurice. Holden didnt even think about the consequences of his actions and in the end Holden was in a dangerous situation with Maurice. Holden Caulfields secondary characteristics are what make the plot of the novel so interesting to the reader. Holden Caulfield is a truly fascinating character. In writing this essay, the complexity and the inconsistency of his character traits became more and more evident to me. Holden is a great example of many negative qualities often associated with teenagers such as, impulsiveness, recklessness and various other negative traits not affiliated with teenagers such as cynicism, and a lack of faith. Holden is the most intriguing character I  have encountered in my literary experience. In two years from now when rereading Salingers novel The Catcher In The Rye, I wonder how my thoughts and opinions of Holden Caulfield will change. With further insight to Holdens complex character, I may well appreciate him more and more.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast approaches to management

Compare and Contrast approaches to management Management over the years does not have a generally acceptable definition. The subject has received different views from authorities on management. Follet (1941) defines management as getting things done through people. Follets definition underpins the ultimate aim of all the management theories, processes, approaches and styles that have been developed over the years. That is, the achievement of goals through others. Most if not all managers are faced with the daily task of planning, making decisions, managing resources and personnel. The task is always very tall and therefore the need to achieve the set target from beginning to end with people. Some of these theories put across over the years are administrative management, human relations management and scientific management. This paper will discuss at length the praise and disgust of scientific management and the human relation management theories. Having defined what management in general is. The emphasis will be on how each school of thought gets the job done and how the work environments as well as employees are managed at the work place. The relevance of both schools of thought would be established with clear examples and at the end a conclusion and an opinion of the writers position on the two theories. The principles and theories of scientific management have been around since the 1800s but the real breakthrough came in the early 20th century. Frederick Winslow Taylor made this breakthrough during the industrial revolution when he developed the main principles of scientific management. Wren (2005) reiterates that Taylor set out to resolve industrial issues with his Time and Motion Study and the Piece Rate System. Due to the magnificent contributions made by Taylor to Scientific Management, the term Taylorism was coined. Taylor is regarded as by many management authorities and historians as the Father of Scientific Management. Wrege and Greenwood (1991) as well as Wren (2005) have all attested to the fact that this is written on Taylors epitaph. Taylors principles of scientific management influenced other school of though. Donnelly (2000) offered that the human relations management or movement as some authorities will choose to call it was founded by Elton Mayo. Donnelly (2000) further adds that Mayo, a Director of Industrial Research at Harvard University was involved in the famous Hawthorne Studies which led to an alternative style of management regarded as the Human Resource Movement. As the name suggest, the whole ideas was to fight or push for the employees right at the work place. Ritzer(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.) defined Scientific Management as a process where technology (nonhuman) exerts more control over the employee. Huczynski and Buchanan (2001) resented that the main targets of scientific management were control, efficiency and predictability. Donnelly (2000) presented that Scientific Management generally involves the employees physical efficiency in the work place. Pugh (1996) offered that production in Tailors day was more of a disincentive for higher productivity instead of facilitating increased productivity. The old Rule of Thumb coupled with workers limitation of output known as Systematic Soldiering were observed by Taylor in his studies as the barriers to increased productivity. Donnelly (2000) observed that the main objective of management is to maximize profit for the employer as well as enabling the worker to increase their earnings. To achieve this, Tsuneo and Wren (2002) agree with Taylor that management and basic processes can be improved when seen as a science. A clear example is the introduction of hands free kits and the computer into call centers. This has helped to reduce the stress of holding the telephone with one hand whiles typing or writing with the other. Taylor equipped with the believe that there is only one ideal method of production that can generate the best results, therefore pushed forward certain principles of ma nagement with a double edged effect to help both employers and workers to achieve higher productivity and earnings respectively. Pruijt (2000) suggest that these principles are fundamental to Taylorism. Richardson (2005) offered these principles as: the dichotomy between an idea formation and completion or execution of these ideas. In other words, division of labor where managers take up the responsibility of job analysis, specification, design, knowledge and prescription of appropriate tools for the job whiles the employee on the other hand only concern themselves with the completion of the task. Braverman (1974) observed that these basic production knowledge originally possessed by the worker was reduced to guidelines, laws, procedures, formulae and rules of production by managers the use of methods scientifically proven to determine the most ideal way of production. This means that there exist an ideal way of producing something and if found to be efficient, it needs to be adopted to replace current methods. the scientific selection of suitable persons for those jobs. the training of the employee to achieve efficiency in the execution of the job. and monitoring of workers job to ensure that procedures are strictly followed and efficiency is achieved through high performance culminating in appropriate domino effect. Parker (1986) reiterates that Taylors ambition was to gain total control of the job schedule of the employee. As established in the above points. Prujt (2000) suggest that the context for these principles to be achieved would be through component homogeneity and reshuffling of logistics. The biggest supporter of scientific management was Henry Ford. He introduced the assembly line of production which meant that the employee job is timed to the speed of the production line. Clark, Chandler and Barry (1995) stated that Mayo carried out series of studies but the four that stood out are the illumination experiments, the relay assembly test room, the interview program and the bank wiring observation room experiment. Agarwal (2002) presents that the human relations movement was developed after the conclusion of the Hawthorne experiments. The experiment which brought together six persons who without force from managers or impediment from employees below them, unreservedly and of their own volition cooperated in the experiment as a team. Mayo identified in his conclusions that an organization can only achieve its goals when it recognizes the emotions of the employee and respects their pleasures of needs that are non-monetary. The key points held by the human relations movement have been enumerated by the following authorities; Donnelly (2008) maintains that employees have as their concern the satisfaction of their needs which are non-monetary in nature. Therefore, it could be said that pay and conditions are not enough motivators for a person at work. Sridhar (2008) offered that managers of organizations should as matter of priority provide their employees with psychological needs as this affects productivity levels in the long run Graham (2008) also holds the view that companies or organizations are co-operative social entities. From the above, it could be said that individual or employees are motivated by excellent and friendly relationships at the work place and should not be seen in isolation because they all belong to a group. The fulfillment of their social needs helps them to retort greatly to work-groups than controls from management. Scientific management presents that; The only motivation for the employee to execute his task was money. Taylor reiterates that employees deliberately device ways of cutting down task assign them and describes them as lazy people who could only be motivated by what he calls economic incentive. Therefore, if an organization is to achieve increase in job satisfaction and productivity, wages paid to workers should be at premium. Graham (2008) reiterated that there is only one best way and must be discovered by the manager. Donnelly (2000) argued that Labor should be divided in a way that analysis planning, design and selection should be done by managers whiles execution is carried out by workers without complains. To achieve this, Taylor introduced the differential system which had the pull and push effect on the employee, either coming down from the top or climbing up. It could be presented that if the employee would be rewarded for their achievements, so would they be punished for failures in that respect. The human relation school of thought holds that money is not the only motivation for employees as exhibited by the Hawthorne Experiments made manifest. Informal groups or social networks at work places often becomes stronger and push for group interest than individual financial benefits. Hersey (2001) argues that these groups can become commanding forces in achieving the companys goals once they see that in line with their own personal goals. As established earlier, one can deduce that the economic man depicted by Taylor as lazy and only money conscious has been replaced by the social man who likes to associate with others. In this wise, the employees output is determine by their acceptance in the group aligned with the high regard they have for the other members of the group. Moreover, if the other members of the group produce as a group norm, the employee would follow. From the above discussions it is unmistakable to note that in comparism both scientific and human relations management propounds different thoughts, views and principles for the management of the employee, his job and the workplace. On the other hand, the existence of key dissimilarities makes both schools of thought very different in practice. Hersey 2001 presents that the employee under Taylorism is seen as central to the organization with regards to output whiles under human relations management the emphasis is on correlation as the central focus of the organization. Scientific management did away with correlations and groups at the work place with the deliberate isolation of the worker as far as possible from his mates. In sharp contrast, the human relation management held that the survival of these relationships and groups would encourage coordination, correlation and communication. Job knowledge under scientific management was held by the managers who set criteria and make them obligatory for the employee whiles under the human relations management, the manager or leader is regarded as a facilitator, coordinator and provider for the employee in areas such as personal development, welfare and benefits. Donnelly (2008) refers to this manager as a communicator both within and between departments. The individuals welfare and development under scientific management received little or no attention in the growth drive of the organization. This was because their performance was externally controlled by managers. Under human relations management, dedication, facilitation and coordination were maintained with the individual in his quest for development. In doing this, the organization also achieved its growth targets. The employee under scientific management was regarded as human machine whose only motivation was money. Adair (1998) in support of the human relations movement reiterated that the employee is motivated when he or she is satisfied and therefore works effectively. This presupposes the fact that worker satisfaction is paramount under human relations management. Opponents of human relations movement believe that the sole motivator of the employee is money or monetary incentive. Therefore under Taylorism, the worker was seen as an economic man. Mayo believed that if the social needs of the individual for instance commutation and sense of belonging are met he becomes motivated to pursue the goals of the organization and therefore making him a social man. Besides the criticism of scientific management, its principles of deskilling of the worker and division of labor are still relevant in modern day organizations (Braverman, 1974). A clear example is McDonalds. The fast food giants with branches all over the world have managed to set preparation standards which are strictly adhered to. There are special appliances designed for toasting burns, spewing sauces and producing milkshakes, thereby avoiding time wasting and improving efficiency. Fries in every McDonalds are also cooked for 3 minutes at 175 degrees removed and salted. A buzzer often signifies to the employee to know when each task is completed. The uniforms worn by the staff and their managers are very different from each other. Another industry where scientific management has been introduced is aviation. In airports today, luggages are labeled with barcodes and placed on conveyor belts. The sensors on the conveyor belt scan these codes and send the luggage to the appropriate plane. Both examples above show in practice that Taylorism has been triumphantly implemented in these industries. It can be argued that without scientific management they would not have been efficient. An example of human relations management in practice is Toyota. Ohno (1998) presented that Toyotas philosophy is to achieve production efficiency, reduce waste with a clear commitment to respect for humanity. Besser (1996) offered that Toyota practices a flat hierarchy style of management where the employees engage in morning exercises, after work gatherings and wear the same uniforms. It is the companys way of building a strong culture, where indemnification to groups within the organization helps them to believe in one common destiny. Failure and success of the group is borne by all. This is transferred by both the employee and management into the organization to help achieve goals. On the production floor, the employee operates and manages more than one machine. The employee under this system is trained as a multi-functional person. In effect, these lead to job satisfaction, security, commitment and employee empowerment. This practice is arguably oppose to Taylors assertion that e mployees should be kept apart as wide as possible and the avoidance of informal group. Besides their differences, Binns (2002) asserts that both scientific management and human relations management shared assumptions. The writer believes that both Taylor and Mayo saw management as a science and cooperation between the workers and managers. They also aimed at increasing efficiency and productivity. The quantitative techniques of scientific management brought forward by Taylor are still relevant today in terms of an organizations present operational analysis and control The writer can therefore argue in conclusion that both schools of thought have some positive factors that an organization can implement to achieve success in an ever changing business environment of today considering productivity and employee welfare. Scientific Management revisited Did Taylorism fail because of a too positive image of human nature? Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto Journal of Management History Vol. 14 No. 4, 2008 pp. 348-372 How to manage your organization scientifically Bill Richardson The TQM Magazine Volume 7  · Number 4  · 1995  · pp. 42-56 Portrayals of F.W. Taylor across textbooks Stephanie C. Payne Satoris S. Youngcourt Kristen M. Watrous Journal of Management History Vol. 12 No. 4, 2006 pp. 385-407 Repainting, modifying, smashing Taylorism Hans Pruijt Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 13 No. 5, 2000, pp. 439-451. Origins of lean management in America Excellence at Toyota Motor Manufacturing in the United States

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Energy Demand Essay -- Environment, Thermodynamics

1. Introduction Due to the economic growth, the energy demand of the world increase every year. In the energy conversion process in power plants and small engines, energy efficiency is a key factor. The equipments with higher efficiency, the more work output. Therefore, a number of researches studied on thermodynamics of efficiency, irreversibility and exergy in both spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines were found during the last century. The thermal efficiency and the energy loss in the system are normally calculated from the 1st law of thermodynamics, while the maximum work output or exergy is characterized by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The exergy of a system from the 2nd law is defined as the maximum useful mechanical work as can be produced as the system is brought to thermal mechanical and chemical equilibrium with its environment through reversible processes [1]. Unlike energy, exergy is not a conserved quantity and can be destroyed during the process due to irreversibility. Rakopoulos and Giakoumis [1], Caton J.A. [2], Som and Datta [3] studie... Energy Demand Essay -- Environment, Thermodynamics 1. Introduction Due to the economic growth, the energy demand of the world increase every year. In the energy conversion process in power plants and small engines, energy efficiency is a key factor. The equipments with higher efficiency, the more work output. Therefore, a number of researches studied on thermodynamics of efficiency, irreversibility and exergy in both spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines were found during the last century. The thermal efficiency and the energy loss in the system are normally calculated from the 1st law of thermodynamics, while the maximum work output or exergy is characterized by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The exergy of a system from the 2nd law is defined as the maximum useful mechanical work as can be produced as the system is brought to thermal mechanical and chemical equilibrium with its environment through reversible processes [1]. Unlike energy, exergy is not a conserved quantity and can be destroyed during the process due to irreversibility. Rakopoulos and Giakoumis [1], Caton J.A. [2], Som and Datta [3] studie...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Satire in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) :: Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essays

Satire in 1984 1984 is a political parable. George Orwell wrote the novel to show society what it could become if things kept getting worse. The first paragraph of the book tells the reader of the "swirl of gritty dust....The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats." Just from these few lines Orwell makes it clear that there was absolutely nothing victorious abuot Victory Mansions. Every image the reader recieves from Winston Smith is pessimistic. Hate week, for example, is a big event in Oceania. The citizens prepare for it like Christmas. Instead of jolly songs with family and friends over punch, Hate week is celebrated with fists in the air while chanting about death, Goldstien, and whatever the party wanted the citizens to disgust. Winston hates the party and Big Brother. He hates the "pure" ones, also. Everthing about Winston's life drives him closer and closer to a suicidal point each day. What makes things worse, hte Party makes Winston think that he is crazy for wanting to be free to think and for wanting to remember. These simple things are taken for granted today. George Orwell devilishly illustrates the brutality that man can be capabel of when he is given such power. The people of Oceania are forced to love Big Brother. There is possibly no one that loves Bill Clinton, besides his family. there are several that love to makes fun of him, but on the political mainstream love is not involved as it is in Oceania. The setting in itself is an extremely important part of the novel. Winston lived in a "dark, gray drab jungle." Posters of Big Brothr were everywhere. The telescreen could see and hear asmost everything that Winston did. However, Winston could hide from it long enough to write in his diary even though he knew he would get caught eventually. Winston was alienated before Julia. He didn't have much contact with other people; he was constantly hungry both physically and emotionally. However, it is ironic that Winston enjoys the work he does but he hates

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Language Usage in Huckleberry Finn

Jims dialogues, we can clearly see that he has troubles with English, he often makes grammatical and spelling errors. From this I concluded that Jim is most probably uneducated, I do think that he's not stupid though because up to this point In the book Mark Twain have showed how Jim uses his logic, for instance when Jim was arguing about Solomon, we can clearly see how he used his logic in criticizing the story. Therefore from the language Mark Twain uses we can understand that Jim Is uneducated but he's not stupid although he book doesn't literally say so.Racism: Mark Twain repeatedly used the word ‘Niger' In the book to describe how In the town where It took place, everyone uses the word ‘Niger' casually, from old ladles to Houck himself uses the word very casually. This shows how at that time, dark skinned people are very discriminated by the white. They are treated as slaves, up to the point where they will sell them in exchange for money. From the words that Mark Tw ain used in describing the society, we can clearly see that slavery and racism both re still an on going thing.If we compare this to today, it is completely different, people are now forbidden to say the word ‘Niger' and dark skinned people are way more respected. Faking Huckleberry Fin's own death: In the chapter in which Huckleberry Finn faked his own death, although Mark Twain didn't exactly tell us what he was going to do, but we were able to conclude that he was up to something. Through the language that the author used to describe this action we can see that he's not stupid, he uses a lot of his logic.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Moral panic involving young people Essay

Cohen (1980) defines moral panic as the emergence of a particular condition, episode, individual or group of people that threatens the societal values and interests (Cohen, 1980, p. 9). The society often has socially shared values and moral panic. This happens when there is something that comes to the surface and threatens this set of values; when that thing that surface goes against these values, potentially changes, challenges and damages this set of values. Thus, it becomes a cause of concern for the society as a whole. Often, these values involve, among other things, morals about certain aspects of life. The rise of the threat and cause of moral panic presents the challenge to morals and even deviation from, morals and the accepted morality. There have been many causes of moral panic. There are those which appeared just once, while there are those which are consistently banging at the door of morality and is developing, changing evolving as time passes by. It does not disappear, but it does not grow worse either. It simply changes and remains constant in the lives of people for a long period of time. One of these types of things is pornography among young adults, an important issue in sexuality starting from the time there were commercial and mass media capabilities that allow for pornography to be distributed and circulated among many different readers. From magazines to betamax and VCDs and CD copies of pornographic material, the moral panic on pornography was revived at the start of the era of internet-based pornography and the threat of information overload regarding the exceedingly diverse content of pornography. Many of which are considered as taboo, unaccepted, unethical and immoral in the eyes of the society. This will be the key focus of the discussion of moral panic. The Model for Moral Panic The phenomenon of moral panic, according to Cohen (1980), follows a certain style, model or pattern that has certain important characteristics. Cohen identifies this characteristics and the analysis of phenomenon of and characteristics of moral panic is focused on whether moral panic follows or deviates from what Cohen describes (Cohen, 1980, p. 9). In the analysis of moral panic on pornography and young people, it is important to consider the characteristics, patterns and descriptions described by Cohen regarding moral panic and see if the issue at hand demonstrates or digress from this particular moral panic model. The analysis of moral panic regarding pornography and the exploration of sexuality allows for the identification of a particular example of the social construction of normalcy and deviance and how and when the polar positions are identified during issues of moral panic. Threat to moral values Cohen believes that moral panic is a threat to moral values (Cohen, 1980, p. 10). The problem of pornography has always been associated with the fact that pornography is a material that threatens to distort existing moral values on what is wrong and right and acceptable when it comes to sexuality and expression of sexuality by the individual. â€Å"Clearly the issue of pornography on the Internet is a moral panic (Cothran, 2002, p. 45)†. This problem has been consistent with the consistency of the problem of pornography. It was highlighted once again with the realization of growing problem of pornography in connection to its presence in the internet. The internet has successfully reached and connected millions of young people all across the globe, which makes the threat to moral values stronger. Presented in a stylized and stereotypical manner by the mass media The mass media, particularly news, talk shows, movies and other info-entertainment shows, have tackled the problem of pornography especially internet-based pornography. As a reaction to this, places like Europe has undertaken efforts to make sure that the media and its role in presenting pornography is controlled in such a way that it is more helpful and informative than merely a source of distorted truth (Ost, 2009, p. 241). â€Å"An essential rule of conduct must be to ensure that the media’s presentation of child pornography and grooming is accurate and not sensationalized (Ost, 2009, p. 241). † Media presentation of this problem is often stereotypical. For example, movies, like American Pie, present a stereotypical idea about pornography and the reaction of young people to it. In a way, the presentation of mass media regarding this issue has the impact of making the issue louder and stronger and makes its existence last longer because of the role of media in affecting the consciousness of the people. So long as the media presents this kind of content, the people will always be made to remember. For some, this is important since they believe that this is an issue that the society should not just ignore or shrug off. Presence of moral barricades by right thinking people Pornography, and in particular, internet-pornography, has been attacked by those who condemn in; people whom Cohen describes as the one who provide, maintain, create and identify moral barricades in the belief that what they believe is right and that they are the right people to identify what is right for the society. This includes parents, religion leaders, writers, etc. â€Å"Although we live in a generally tolerant society, pornography is today being attacked from many quarters (Plantinga, 1982, p. 78). † Experts and their diagnoses and solution Part of the cycle or system involved in the identification and surfacing or re-surfacing of issues resulting to moral panic is the presence of professionals who provide diagnoses of the issue and makes authoritative claims for possible solution to the problem. In the case of internet-pornography, part of the literature is the review of past writings regarding the diagnoses on pornography and compiles it with new studies and findings regarding this matter. Professionals like psychologists and sociologists will make analysis on how this issue came to be, what caused it and what would result from it and ultimately what should be done about it. Groups like Commission on Obscenity and Pornography undertake studies to examine the impact of pornography and provide solutions (Rist, 1974, p. 217). Ways of coping In the end, the society will find a way to cope with the moral panic and the cause of moral panic. In the tug-of-war battle, the failure to completely remove or eradicate the source of the problem can result in the society accepting that the problem is here to stay. Solutions will take long term timetables and thus should not be expected to be removed or defeated in a short period of time. For internet pornography, society’s way of coping is by creating protective measures to lessen the potential for exposure of young people to pornography. They used technology to assist them and make them capable in coping. They depended on the strength of family values to keep young people away from these kinds of materials, and trusted the judgment and ability to discern by young people so that this problem does not result in moral distortion or breakdown among young people exposed to this kind of material. The society turned to laws to hamper, hinder, limit, deter or make this less powerful and less capable. Deviance Pornography and internet-based pornography is a form of deviance. Its contents contain forms of deviance, particularly in the aspect of sexuality and young people. Sexuality and sexual practices inside the society has its own set of acceptable forms. The content of internet-based pornography fuels deviant and non conformist attitudes and perspectives in sexuality and sexual practice. Main Players Moral panic always involved individuals acting as main players involved in the issue, especially those who support and those who are against this particular issue. In this issue of moral panic, it is important to mention that part of the main players in this issue are those that dictate and create the social construct of normalcy on one hand and those who break this and act as deviants from this particular form of socially-shared moral values. There are merely participants in the cycle of moral deviance involving pornography and there are those who directly challenge, oppose and break the moral design regarding this particular issue. Participants include those who are responsible for the production, creation, management and circulation of materials which maintains the pornography industry which in turn feeds the consistent moral panic regarding pornography and young people. Young people who display abnormal dependence, reliance, obsession and addiction to pornography and commits actions considered as grossly unaccepted in the eyes of the society are the reason for the moral panic. It is because there are people who are hooked in pornography and the fact that it is a phenomenon not exclusive to just to one era or geographical location are the main reasons why pornography among young people is a moral panic. The moral vanguards who dictate the condition of normalcy in the society believes that this has the potential to damage the emotional, psychological and mental faculties of the young individual. Of course, there are also those who stand on the opposite polar positions. These individuals provide a balance and deter the issue from becoming something that is completely socially acceptable by opposing it. In this issue, these include parents, teachers, religious leaders, politicians and conservative thinking people who does not approve of pornography in general. Key Issues The discussion of Cohen regarding moral panic reflects an integral part of the problem. There are key issues involved in the phenomenon of moral panic which makes the problem more pronounced not to mention being more significant considering it compounds and worsens other problems. Of course, the main issue on moral panic regarding pornography is the fear of the deterioration of moral values especially with regards to sex, sexual activities and sexual preferences, among others. This is easier said than explained in detail. This problem is an interconnection of many different smaller and yet equally significant problems and key issues including sexual identity and confusion, challenging parental and societal authoritative role, deviance, the evils of mass media and mass communication, etc. Strongly linked to this are other key issues which are also important and significant in the discussion of internet-based pornography. Beside moral deterioration, pornography is also linked to, results to or is often related to crimes, especially those sexual in nature, like molestation, rape, sexual assault and other sexual offenses created by the young people. The fact that internet has a broader audience and scope and is easier accessible makes it more dangerous compared to its video and print counterpart. The problem of pornography and its effects as a whole can worsen significantly in consideration to the joint impact of all of these media to the young people and to the society in general. Other issues are present as well, like the degradation and molestation of women and children (Thompson, 1998, p. 10), prostitution, gender roles, etc. Sexual openness at the degree being offered by internet pornography also impacts the psyche and consciousness and well as perspective of the individual which can lead the person to challenge the existing societal beliefs, and later, the norms. Worse, the person may challenge the law once the individual tries to break free from the constraints of social life by pursuing or exploring the full extent of the person’s newfound sexuality and sexual orientation as a result of exposure to and influence of internet pornography. Reason for Moral Panic Pornography and internet-based pornography symbolized the evolution of sexuality and sexual preference. The traditional conservative society still finds it hard to accept and accommodate and make mainstream because of strong values dictated by well entrenched societies like church and religion, for example. This therefore symbolizes the inability of the society to fully reconcile with the changes in sexuality and sexual preference among what appears to be a growing number of people. This also symbolized an important era in the history of human sexuality as a whole. The problem of pornography and internet-based pornography is not a stand alone, solitary issue that challenges a particular set of societal characteristics. In closer investigation, it is noticeable how the problem of pornography stands alongside other issues. This comes in the era of liberalization in thinking among many different aspects of human life which is equally considered as unethical and immoral, like cloning, decriminalization of marijuana and same sex marriage. These issues, like pornography, sparks moral panic and has long existed as a societal problem, issue and point of argument among many professionals for and against it. The reason for moral panic is the inability of the society to allow change. In the aspect of sex and sexuality, those who dictate the norms and morals of the society believes that where the world is right now is acceptable already and that deviations from such practice is unacceptable. As Cohen points in its analysis of deviation, the question here is that it is unacceptable to whom? Does it comprise the greater majority, or the powerful minority only? The inability for change is often coupled with fear of the unknown which are reasons for moral panic. Sure, specialists can make intelligent guesses as to how this can affect the future and what behaviors this will result from. However, educated and intelligent they are, these are just guesses still. The greater picture is comprised of the fact that people are fearful of what they know. They know change would come, but they do not know exactly how it looks like, if it is acceptable to them, etc. Because of that, they resort to moral panic, using it a defense mechanism enabling them to handle the problem of being incapable of the uncertainty of the future. They try to control to present and this act of controlling is expected to create deviants as well as reasons for, and tool supporting this act of deviance, a role that pornography plays. Conclusion Using moral panic to view the phenomenon regarding the sexuality of young people and pornography is important and useful. It allows the analysis to reflect the existing accepted morality regarding and surrounding this issue and how this is being consistently threaten and broken. It also reflects as to how the society was not able to fully evolve to allow them to either put a stop to this moral issue or completely accommodate pornography in such a way that this is not an issue anymore. The use of moral panic allows the analysis to better understand the attitude and perception of the people regarding the issue. It allows the analysis to see the problems present in this point of concern, and to establish the reasons and entities that surround the occurrence of the trend in human social life. There are always those who create the patterns for normalcy and what constitutes it, from which deviants find a way to deviate from and create their own identity as deviants from socially-accepted and shared beliefs, attitudes and perspectives. Here, pornography plays a key role in deviance in sexuality which in turn results to moral panic. Bibliography Cohen, S 1980, Folk Devils & Moral Panics, Blackwell, Oxford. Cothran, H 2002, Pornography: opposing viewpoints, Greenhaven Press, Michigan. Ost, S 2009, Child pornography and sexual grooming: legal and societal responses, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Plantinga, T 1982, Learning to live with evil, W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. , Michigan. Rist, R C 1974, The pornography controversy: changing moral standards in American life, Transaction Publishers, New Jersey. Thompson, K 1998, Moral panics, Routledge, New York.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that seeks the consent of all participants. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the â€Å"favourite† of each individual. Consensus is defined by Merriam-Webster as, first, general agreement, and second, group solidarity of belief or sentiment. It has its origin in the Latin word consensus (agreement), which is from consentio meaning literally feel together. [1] It is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision.Consensus decision-making is thus concerned with the process of deliberating and finalizing a decision, and the social and political effects of using this process. Consensus decision making is an alternative to commonly practiced adversarial decision making processes. [5] Robert's Rules of Order, for instance, is a process used by many organizations. The goal of Robert’s Rules is to structure the debate and passage of proposals that win approval through majority vote. This process does not emphasize the goal of full agreement.Critics of Robert’s Rules believe that the process can involve adversarial debate and the formation of competing factions. These dynamics may harm group member relationships and undermine the ability of a group to cooperatively implement a contentious decision. Consensus decision making is also an alternative to â€Å"top-down† decision making, commonly practiced in hierarchical groups. Top-down decision making occurs when leaders of a group make decisions in a way that does not include the participation of all interested stakeholders.The leaders may (or may not) gather input, but they do not open the deliberation process to the whole group. Proposals are not collaboratively developed, and full agreement is not a primary objective. Critics of top-down decision making believe the process fosters incidence of either complacency or rebellion among d isempowered group members. Additionally, the resulting decisions may overlook important concerns of those directly affected. Poor group relationship dynamics and decision implementation problems may result. Consensus decision making attempts to address the problems of both Robert’s Rules of Order and top-down models.Proponents claim that outcomes of the consensus process include:[3] * Better Decisions: Through including the input of all stakeholders the resulting proposals may better address all potential concerns. * Better Implementation: A process that includes and respects all parties, and generates as much agreement as possible sets the stage for greater cooperation in implementing the resulting decisions. Better Group Relationships: A cooperative, collaborative group atmosphere can foster greaConsensus Process There are multiple stepwise models of how to make decisions by consensus.They vary in the amount of detail the steps describe. They also vary depending on how deci sions are finalized. The basic model involves * collaboratively generating a proposal, * identifying unsatisfied concerns, and then * modifying the proposal to generate as much agreement as possible. After a concerted attempt at generating full agreement, the group can then apply its final decision rule to determine if the existing level of agreement is sufficient to finalize a decision. [edit] Specific models [edit] Consensus decision-making with consensus blockingFlowchart of basic consensus decision-making process. Groups that require unanimity commonly use a core set of procedures depicted in this flow chart. [23][24][25] Once an agenda for discussion has been set and, optionally, the ground rules for the meeting have been agreed upon, each item of the agenda is addressed in turn. Typically, each decision arising from an agenda item follows through a simple structure: * Discussion of the item: The item is discussed with the goal of identifying opinions and information on the top ic at hand.The general direction of the group and potential proposals for action are often identified during the discussion. * Formation of a proposal: Based on the discussion a formal decision proposal on the issue is presented to the group. * Call for consensus: The facilitator of the decision-making body calls for consensus on the proposal. Each member of the group usually must actively state their agreement with the proposal, often by using a hand gesture or raising a colored card, to avoid the group interpreting silence or inaction as agreement.The number of blocks is counted to determine if this step's consent threshold is satisfied. If it is, dissenters will be asked to collaborate on a minority position or statement so that any unique or shared concerns with proceeding with the agreement, or any harms, can be addressed/minimized. This can happen even if the consent threshold is unanimity, especially if many voters stand aside. * Identification and addressing of concerns: If consensus is not achieved, each dissenter presents his or her concerns on the proposal, potentially starting another round of discussion to address or clarify the concern. Modification of the proposal: The proposal is amended, re-phrased or ridered in an attempt to address the concerns of the decision-makers. The process then returns to the call for consensus and the cycle is repeated until a satisfactory decision passes the consent threshold for the group. [edit] Quaker model Quaker-based consensus[26] is effective because it puts in place a simple, time-tested structure that moves a group towards unity. The Quaker model has been employed in a variety of secular settings.The process allows for individual voices to be heard while providing a mechanism for dealing with disagreements. [27][28] The following aspects of the Quaker model can be effectively applied in any consensus decision-making process, and is an adaptation prepared by Earlham College: * Multiple concerns and informati on are shared until the sense of the group is clear. * Discussion involves active listening and sharing information. * Norms limit number of times one asks to speak to ensure that each speaker is fully heard. * Ideas and solutions belong to the group; no names are recorded. Differences are resolved by discussion. The facilitator (â€Å"clerk† or â€Å"convenor† in the Quaker model) identifies areas of agreement and names disagreements to push discussion deeper. * The facilitator articulates the sense of the discussion, asks if there are other concerns, and proposes a â€Å"minute† of the decision. * The group as a whole is responsible for the decision and the decision belongs to the group. * The facilitator can discern if one who is not uniting with the decision is acting without concern for the group or in selfish interest. * Dissenters' perspectives are embraced. [26]Key components of Quaker-based consensus include a belief in a common humanity and the ability to decide together. The goal is â€Å"unity, not unanimity. † Ensuring that group members speak only once until others are heard encourages a diversity of thought. The facilitator is understood as serving the group rather than acting as person-in-charge. [29] In the Quaker model, as with other consensus decision-making processes, by articulating the emerging consensus, members can be clear on the decision, and, as their views have been taken into account, will be likely to support it. [30] [edit] CODM ModelThe Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making[31] model offers a detailed step-wise description of consensus process. It can be used with any type of decision rule. It outlines the process of how proposals can be collaboratively built with full participation of all stakeholders. This model allows groups to be flexible enough to make decisions when they need to, while still following a format that is based on the primary values of consensus decision making. The CODM steps include: 1. Framing the topic 2. Open Discussion 3. Identifying Underlying Concerns 4. Collaborative Proposal Building . Choosing a Direction 6. Synthesizing a Final Proposal 7. Closure [edit] Overlaps with deliberative methods Consensus decision-making models overlap significantly with deliberative methods, which are processes for structuring discussion that may or may not be a lead-in to a decision. [edit] Roles The consensus decision-making process often has several roles which are designed to make the process run more effectively. Although the name and nature of these roles varies from group to group, the most common are the facilitator, a timekeeper, an empath and a secretary or notes taker.Not all decision-making bodies use all of these roles, although the facilitator position is almost always filled, and some groups use supplementary roles, such as a Devil's advocate or greeter. Some decision-making bodies opt to rotate these roles through the group members in order to build the expe rience and skills of the participants, and prevent any perceived concentration of power. [23] The common roles in a consensus meeting are: * Facilitator: As the name implies, the role of the facilitator is to help make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.Facilitators accept responsibility for moving through the agenda on time; ensuring the group adheres to the mutually agreed-upon mechanics of the consensus process; and, if necessary, suggesting alternate or additional discussion or decision-making techniques, such as go-arounds, break-out groups or role-playing. [32][33] Some consensus groups use two co-facilitators. Shared facilitation is often adopted to diffuse the perceived power of the facilitator and create a system whereby a co-facilitator can pass off facilitation duties if he or she becomes more personally engaged in a debate. 34] * Timekeeper: The purpose of the timekeeper is to ensure the decision-making body keeps to the schedule set in the agenda. Effec tive timekeepers use a variety of techniques to ensure the meeting runs on time including: giving frequent time updates, ample warning of short time, and keeping individual speakers from taking an excessive amount of time. [23] * Empath or ‘Vibe Watch': The empath, or ‘vibe watch' as the position is sometimes called, is charged with monitoring the 'emotional climate' of the meeting, taking note of the body language and other non-verbal cues of the participants.Defusing potential emotional conflicts, maintaining a climate free of intimidation and being aware of potentially destructive power dynamics, such as sexism or racism within the decision-making body, are the primary responsibilities of the empath. [32] * Note taker: The role of the notes taker or secretary is to document the decisions, discussion and action points of the decision-making body. * ter group cohesion and interpersonal connection.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Silence Game

3a) What is the benefit to the child of the ‘Silence game’? (500 words) Constant noise can create irritability, frustration, confusion, and even sleepiness. Everyone needs moments of peace to rest our bodies and to listen to our thoughts. Dr. Montessori says that a deeper level of awareness and sensitivity to noise can help is to enter into a â€Å"more refined and subtle world†. Montessori therefore came up with the â€Å"Silence Game† or â€Å"The Exercise of Silence†. Dr. Montessori created the Silence Game while working with children who were partially deaf. She observed that their hearing improved when they were able to listen carefully for sounds. Standing at the back of the room with the children facing away from her, Dr. Montessori quietly called out the name of each child. When the children heard her call their name, they would quietly walk to where she stood. Silence has become one of the best known characteristics of the Montessori Method. It has been adopted in many schools and has succeeded in bringing to them something of the Montessori spirit. (Montessori, 1988). After the Silence Game children become more obedient, sweet, and gentle. Dr Montessori also realized that after such an exercise the soul of the child has its spiritual rewards. In the Montessori Classroom, the Silence Game is played to help children develop not only a higher level of self-discipline, but to acclimatize children to the world around them. Many adults and children take for granted the sounds around them. And in our fast paced world, few of us stop to â€Å"smell the roses† let alone take the time to quietly listen and reflect. The Silence Game takes practice. Young children and those who are not yet normalized have relatively short attention spans and find it ever so difficult to remain still and quiet for more than 20-30 seconds. With practice, attention spans lengthen and children learn to relax, absorb, and appreciate the world around them. During the Silence lesson, the children in the class can choose to participate in the making of the silence. In order to â€Å"make silence†, the child must have self control, they must become aware of everything in their bodies that can move, and they must want to cooperate with those who are silent around them. But before the children can even play the game, the child must have developed good coordination of movement, they must have a strong will, they must have a great awareness of themselves and of others, and they must have experienced some silence before. When the children do create silence, they will not only have experienced a moment of peace and tranquility, but they will want to play it over and over again. The Direct purpose of the Silence game is to build the child’s awareness and sensitivities to the noise around him and the noise he creates. The indirect aim is to create a sense of awareness of their bodies and building up balance. Dr. Montessori believed that the silence game was like a religious experience for children. It is important not to break off the game abruptly. The end result is a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Everyone feels rested after the experience.

A Range Of Problems In The Future Essay Example for Free

A Range Of Problems In The Future Essay Communism (145) , Winston Smith (53) ? ‘The world will have to grapple with a range of problems in the future’ The world will inevitably change as time continues to expose the past’s perception of the future to the now. As the earth ages, generations to come adapt to the new world they perceive to be as It is near impossible for every parent to educate their young on everything they have ever learned; thus attitudes and morals are continually fluctuating. It is undeniable that it has already affected society it is evident throughout today’s problems that were never pondered upon by older generations such as the rapid advances in technology. The future can only change, and will encounter many dilemmas along the way. Earth already has an overwhelming number of human inhabitants, and the world’s population continues to increase. Many people do not want to acknowledge the problem, but ignorance will not change the inevitable consequences of overpopulation. No animal species can exist without adequate food, water, shelter and other essential resources and humans are not exempt from this rule. When the human population exceeds the resources needed to sustain it, the same thing that happens to any overpopulated species; nature will reduce the population through famine, disease, interspecies fighting or a combination of either one. That reality has already affecting people in some Third World countries. Because of cultural, political and religious attitudes, almost no world leader is willing to acknowledge the problem, much less take the necessary steps to resolve it. The underlying cause of almost every environmental problem in the world today is human overpopulation. Air pollution, water shortages, habitat loss, extinctions, and invasive species all are caused or intensified from having too many people in the world. Humans are unique among all animal species in having the ability to solve even a monumental problem like overpopulation. This awareness is existent in George Orwell’s ‘1984’, the effects of extreme totalitarian society have stripped society’s resources and forced them to live in a dystopian environment full of pollution and overpopulation. Such a situation of local overpopulation has existed since the dawn of humanity and is slowly becoming a global existential problem. Technology today has transformed the world and changed how people live in their day to day lives. As advances in technology are generally perceived to be an advantage, it can enable the most malevolent evil. The realm of communications has likewise seen immense change. People are provided with new ways to communicate with each other, such as email and instant messaging which can pose as a breach of privacy if used for the wrong intentions. Documents placed on the internet are sources of information for the rest of the world, and will forever leave a digital footprint. Global positioning satellites allow us to track our exact location and find our way to various destinations; such accessible conveniences can alter the future in foretelling ways. George Orwell’s ‘1984, illustrates a dystopian society ruled by a totalitarian government. This extreme realization portrays a government with absolute power, in which controls every aspect of human life using a number of dehumanising techniques. Orwell’s dark vision poses as a foreshadowing notice, which thoroughly explores the consequences of advanced technology and its misuse. As Oceania’s mechanical citizens are constantly monitored using microphones and surveillance, expunges their right to privacy and to make choices. It is clear that the innovations of technology could escalate out of control, leaving society with no defence against it. Thus, it will ultimately destroy humanity in the pursuit of absolute power. The discovery of DNA has the possibility to lead to major social and scientific issues in society. With new advances in technology, there are increases in the consequences that the new technology will allow. It is evident in Andrew Niccol’s film ‘Gattaca’ that the more powerful genetic engineering becomes the more helpful and harmful it develops. The film depicts a society ruled by ‘genoism’, where your genetics decide your social class in the world with a stressed need for perfectionism. This depressing image where there is no determinism for fate or influence for ethical standards eliminates the right for freedom of choice, that people freely and obliviously exhaust today. The consequences of selective breeding solutions are frequently addressed in past and modern literature. In ‘Jurassic Park’, a scientist exhumes and modifies dinosaur DNA to then create an island inhabited by dinosaurs. Consequently, the impact of unnaturally producing a breed that has been extinct for a long period of time threatened the rest of  the human race’s existence. It is clear that such meticulous science created in the wrong hands has the potential to impact the world permanently. Similarly, a frightening futuristic concept that threatens to dominate society is totalitarianism. The objective of totalitarian government is to limit and regulate every aspect of public and private life. George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’, exemplifies a society lacking in freedom and expression. His fictional society in the year 1984 stands as a metaphor for a totalitarian society. Communication, personal beliefs, and national loyalty are controlled by the inner party which governs the people of Oceania in order to keep society from rebelling. The concept of also controlling the personal beliefs of the citizens promotes totalitarianism by limiting the form of any emotional or individual expression. The citizens of Oceania were forced to work long days which limited self-expression because they were too exhausted to do anything else. Oceania, where protagonist Winston Smith lives, is ruled by the INGSOC. â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU†, the main party slogan of Oceania which makes clear that every action you make is all seen by Big Brother, the big leader. The Inner Party, controlled by Big Brother, dictates several aspects of the people’s life. As a society, Oceania are completely brain washed by the continuous propaganda which is based on false news, a new language which reduces the capacity of using words in a double sensed way named Newspeak and indoctrination, this newborn dialect empowers and respects INGSOC. The overall concept is designed to control personal beliefs of the citizens by limiting their form of expression. Essentially, controlling the communication aligns with the Totalitarian aspects of governing. George Orwell envisioned the lack of communication could possibly result to total dominance and control of the people. As civilization moves toward the point where human life will be irreversibly transformed, it will also have to overcome the potential problems that are carried along with any advancement in technology and government. All of these possibilities portray a pessimistic view of the future which has the potential to accrue into tremendous issues of whom the world will have to grapple. A Range Of Problems In The Future. (2016, Sep 11).